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Chủ đề “Business, Money” khá phổ biến trong IELTS Writing Task 2. Vì thế hãy chủ động ngay từ bây giờ cập nhật một số bài mẫu từ IELTS Jenny – Học IELTS miễn phí từ A-Z nhé.

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Question 1: As well as making money, businesses also have social responsibilities. Do you agree or disagree?


The idea that, besides making money, enterprises also need to have public responsibilities remains a source of controversy. In my opinion, while generating profit is the top priority for each company, I agree that they should also conduct their business in a socially responsible manner.

On the one hand, the efforts of companies to maximize their profits may have some benefits for society as a whole. [1] Firstly, the higher the profits earned by enterprises, the more taxes they pay to the government. As a result, authorities may have more revenue to spend in key fields, including education and health care, which leads to an improvement in the quality of life of the whole community. [2] Secondly, by earning huge profits companies have the opportunity to grow their business. For example, firms could use their capital to expand their production, creating new job opportunities within the community.

On the other hand, there are strong reasons why businesses should also accept that they have social responsibilities. [1] The first reason is that their activities have an effect on the environment. Without controls, production processes may result in serious environmental degradation, such as global warming stemming from factory emissions or the irresponsible disposal of industrial waste. For example, if factories installed waste treatment systems instead of discharging chemical wastes into rivers, water pollution could be controlled. [2] Another reason is that enterprises should help those who are less fortunate since they have the money to do so. For example, big corporations such as  Unilever and  Vinamilk have enhanced their public image through philanthropic actions such as providing scholarships and giving charitable donations.

In conclusion, although I recognize that making profits is the fundamental principle of business, I would argue that all businesses should profoundly reflect upon their social responsibilities.


290 words


to generate = to produce or create something. We use it to talk about ‘generating electricity’ as well as ‘generating profits’.

priority = a priority is something which you think is more important than other things and should therefore receive attention first.

to maximize = to increase something, such as profits, as much as possible

enterprises, companies, businesses, corporations and firms = are all used in this essay as different words which have almost the same meaning.

revenue = the money that the government receives from taxes and it can then spend this revenue on whatever priorities it has.

degradation = this describes a process in which something becomes worse or is damaged.

global warming = is the increase in temperature of the atmosphere of the Earth.

stemming from = this means to be the result of something.


emissions = these are simply gases that are sent out into the atmosphere – in this case by factories.

irresponsible = not thinking about the effects of what you do

disposal = is the act of throwing something away or ‘getting rid of’ something.

waste = is another word for rubbish or ‘garbage’ in American English.

install = to install something is to fix it into a position where it can be used.

to discharge = to make something go into the sea or a river.

philanthropic actions = are actions that help poor people, especially by giving them money.

charitable donations = money given to organizations which help poor people or people in need of help.

fundamental principles = are the basic ideas on which a company carries out its business.

Question 2: Most large companies nowadays operate multi-nationally. To what extent do multinational companies have responsibilities toward local communities in which they operate?

It is true that, in this era of globalization, most large companies operate outside the confines of national borders. While it is necessary that companies maximize their profits, this must not be at the expense of the welfare of the people in areas where these companies are based.

From a social perspective, multinational enterprises should provide jobs for local people and ensure that workers and their families have adequate salaries and access to health and education services. The horrors of the industrial revolution in Europe and America must be avoided – child labor, starvation wages, and unhealthy working conditions. It is also in the self-interest of multinational firms to employ a healthy and educated workforce. Physically fit workers are more productive and mentally alert to the importance of health and safety at work. Finally, an educated workforce gives the company more flexibility, as skilled employees can be switched from one task to another to meet production requirements, as in the case of car assembly plants like Ford or Nissan.


From an environmental perspective, multinational firms must safeguard the natural resources of the area in which they operate. Local communities may traditionally depend on such resources for their survival. Irresponsible oil extraction by firms such as Shell or Texaco, for example, may result in oil spills which devastate the local fishing industry, as incidents in Alaska have shown. Similarly, unsustainable logging of timber for construction or paper manufacture may have serious effects on local farmers due to resultant soil erosion. Thus, it is essential to re-invest corporate profits into schemes to prevent pollution and guarantee local communities’ long-term prosperity.

In conclusion, multinational companies have a moral duty and a practical interest in improving the quality of life of the local communities in which they conduct their operations.

298 words


confines: limits or borders.

maximise: increase something as much as possible.

horrors: the very unpleasant nature of something.

starvation wages: the state of suffering and death, as a result of having no food.

self-interest: considering only the advantage to yourself, without caring about others.

alert: aware of something, especially a danger or a problem.

switched: changed, moved


safeguard: protect

somebody/something from danger or harm.

irresponsible: not thinking about the effects of what you do.

oil spills: accidents which allow oil to escape into the sea.

devastate: completely destroy something, such as an area of land.

unsustainable logging: cutting of trees that cannot be continued at the same rate indefinitely.


resultant: caused by the thing which has just been mentioned.

soil erosion: the process by which the soil/the land is gradually destroyed by the action of wind and rain.



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